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Romantic Gestures Your Lady Would Love This Valentine

“Romance is for the unmarried.”
“Chivalry is dead.”
“Real men aren’t romantic.”
I’ve heard these sentiments uttered by people throughout my life. And what a load of crap.
The truth? All men have the ability to be romantic.
Granted, many guys are afraid to do romantic things because they think it will be lame. Or they will get laughed at. Or it won’t go over as well as they had hoped. And so they don’t even try.
Which is a shame.
She loves when you do romantic things for her. Because they are for her. Even if the gesture is silly, she likes it because it means that you like her so much that you’re putting in effort to continually woo her. Do something nice fpr her this valentine. All romantic gestures are not created equal.
Here are some guidelines to be able to come up with your own powerful romantic gestures this valentine.
1. Take Her To Her Favorite Karaoke Spot
Take her to her favourite acts of Karaoke. Go out of your comfort zone and sing her a song or if you both have "your" song, let her have a taste of it again. People bond when sharing activities. Especially peak experience activities like art (music) and dancing.
Then probably have someone capture the entire experience on video so you both can relive it again and again.

2. Drink Delivery

Bring her her favourite drink (kombucha/coffee/tea/etc.) without warning.
Whether you bring it to her at work, when you return from the gym, or anywhere she would least expect, you can’t go wrong with this.

3. Sun Visor Surprise

Do you pick your lady up for dates? Pre-load a few handfuls of rose petals on top of the passenger seat’s sun visor with a taped-on message that says “I Love You” or “You look beautiful”. Then, when your date gets into the car, tell her that she has a little make up smudge on her chin. Wait until she pulls down the sun visor and BAM… flower petals to the face. Instant romance. Hehehe.

4. Create For Her

Write her a list of things that you love about her. Write her a poem, an original poem. Make her a mixed tape/burned cd/personal playlist of songs that remind you of her. Create a collage of photos of the two of you if you’ve been dating or married for a while.
It’s not about the money that you put into your romantic gesture. In your woman’s eyes, it’s the meaning behind your actions that matters.
The time, effort, and thought that you put into creating her unique gift means that you value her highly and want her to feel special.

5. Cook For Her

Surprise her by making her an impressive looking meal – especially if you are never in a habit of doing this while she is at work, so she can come home to it at the end of her work day and to a bottle of wine to "wash it down"

6. Make A Night Of It

If you cant cook, initiate a surprise valentine night of indulgence where you put on her favourite romantic comedies, order her favourite food (pizza, sushi, etc.) and pamper her with a massage, wine, or both.
7Show Her What Love Is At Night
Attend to her every her that you are her lover. Be the man she needs on Valentine!

8. Be Romantic - Write Notes on their Banana, 

Not a euphemism. Equally, you could write notes and drop them where she would see them - in her pocket, bag, stick them on her, etc

A thriving relationship is one where two awesome people come together and say “I’m going to make you feel as happy, understood, and appreciated as possible, all the time.”
At the end of the day, she just wants to know that you are thinking of her. That’s the big secret. Go Val Her Again! Goodluck!

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