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17 Insanely Funny Valentine’s Day Posts All Single People Will Relate To

These posts are indeed funny...

1. This great plan.

This great plan.

2. Just too real.

Just too real.
Twitter: @cinnamontoastk

3. This undeniably true realization.

This undeniably true realization.
Twitter: @briangaar

4. This best-by date.

This best-by date.
Twitter: @ltsTina

5. This Hunger Games reference.

This Hunger Games reference.
Twitter: @chanelpuke

6. This wonderful poem that you should give to someone this year.

This wonderful poem that you should give to someone this year.
Twitter: @itswillyferrell

7. This tale of romance.

This tale of romance.

8. This incredibly relatable thought.

This incredibly relatable thought.
Twitter: @jwoodham

9. This expert advice.

This expert advice.

10. This message envy.

This message envy.

11. This brilliant idea.

This brilliant idea.
Twitter: @TheElIIenShow

12. This realistic approach to Valentine’s Day.

This realistic approach to Valentine's Day.
Twitter: @ComedyPosts

13. An amazing solution to PDA.

14. This relatable graph.

This relatable graph.
Twitter: @Ed_Lever

15. These mixed emotions we all have.

These mixed emotions we all have.
Twitter: @kellyoxford

16. This tweet.

This tweet.
Twitter: @coffeys

17. And this too-true statement.

And this too-true statement.
Twitter: @mindykaling

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