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15 Quirky Ideas That Are Honestly Just Brilliant Hacks

1. Hide your money in a panty liner package when you go out.

tutorialaccount / Via

2. Easily clean blinds by wrapping towels over tongs.

Easily clean blinds by wrapping towels over tongs.

3. Use a contact case to store pills when you go somewhere.

Use a contact case to store pills when you go somewhere.

4. Use a pants hanger to make chip clips.

Use a pants hanger to make chip clips.
lindsay_head / Via

5. Put a bowl under a colander when serving ice at a party so it doesn’t get watered down.

Put a bowl under a colander when serving ice at a party so it doesn't get watered down.
Via Chic.

6. Use an uncooked spaghetti noodle to light candles with short wicks.

Use an uncooked spaghetti noodle to light candles with short wicks.
__ladyland__ / Via

7. Use glue to remove splinters.

Use glue to remove splinters.
Simply let the glue dry and the splinter should peel off with the glue! Via The Tamara Blog.

8. Use an old tissue box to store your plastic bags.

Use an old tissue box to store your plastic bags.

9. Use your air vent when you don’t have a dryer.

Use your air vent when you don't have a dryer.
mary_k_o / Via

10. Use a mesh laundry bag to hold smaller items in the dishwasher.

Use a mesh laundry bag to hold smaller items in the dishwasher.

11. Use dental floss to easily slice soft foods.

Use dental floss to easily slice soft foods.
Via Barnorama.

12. Use Doritos to kindle a fire.

Use Doritos to kindle a fire.
It’s true! The chemicals, powdered flavors, and oil in the chips make them easily combustible. Via Newsiosity.

13. Use a straw when you don’t want to make a mess with yogurt.

Use a straw when you don't want to make a mess with yogurt.
kikaymomma / Via

14. Pour your coffee into ice cube trays so your iced coffee won’t get watered down.

Pour your coffee into ice cube trays so your iced coffee won't get watered down.

15. Use dish soap and apple cider to keep away gnats.

Use dish soap and apple cider to keep away gnats.
izzybella73 / Via
Credits: Krista Torres

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