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Review: Best Selling Video Games In 2017

The current trend in the entertainment industry has since witnessed a rising popularity of video games. Therefore, the video game is by far taking the center stage side by side to other renowned forms of entertainment such as film and music. What if you decide to buy a video game for yourself or your 14 years old son? Will you really know what to know before purchasing? If not, then count yourself lucky for finding this informative buying guide- you will never make a mistake.

Most Popular video game platforms

For you to play a video game, you need to have the console, the system that will enable you to play the game. Decades ago, Atari, Mattel, and Sega were the names when it came to video games console production. However, with the current technological advancement, more sophisticated and modern brands are coming in the market through the production of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Therefore, the most popular video game platforms today are Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo.
i.  Sony
Image result for sony games
Sony is a very popular name when it comes to entertainment systems. The Japanese-based company has also pushed video gaming as an entertainment platform to greater levels. When you hear boys talking about PS along the streets, then know that Sony as a company did something. The PlayStation franchise is owned by Sony and is currently the most popular term in the gaming world. The PlayStatin 2, also known as PS2, is the current console by Sony that has replaced the PlayStation X. The system has a more powerful processor as compared to the former, hence, the best.
ii. Microsoft
Image result for microsoft games
Do you remember the Microsoft’s Xbox? That was the initial release of the Microsoft console back in 2001. Microsoft Xbox has since undergone sophistication to become one of the things gamers would not dream of missing. The latest innovation which is Xbox 360 is a good option for the stylish gamers. It is a slim model that has a motion-sensor accessory that enables a hands-free gaming.
iii. Nintendo
Image result for nintendo
The entry of Nintendo in the video gaming industry dates back to 1985 when they first released the cartridge-based Nintendo Entertainment System. The Nintendo Wii is the latest development that supersedes all the earlier models. Nintendo has advanced their system to include several handheld consoles such as GameBoy, GameBoy Advanced, GameBoy Color, the Nintendo DS, and 3 DS.
Therefore, you need to be sure with the brand of your choice. Regarding performance, there is no noticeable variation; hence, the choice of the console solely depends on with your taste of brands.

Genres of Video Games

For the word entertainment to get its meaning, any entertainment platform should be diverse. Just like music and movies have genres, video games does too. The following are some of the genres that you can go for depending on the need of the gamer.
i. Role-Playing Games
This type involves a plot-driven system and is mostly turn based. The gamer has to be familiar with the given command lines and options that make the gamer achieve the given task. These games always call for more and more playing of the same game for one to gain the playing experience. These games run on the basis of some fairly complex storylines and takes a lot of time of gaming.  Even though the game takes much time, it is considered the most interactive video game available.
ii. Puzzle
The gamer, in this case, does the necessary attempt to advance to the next level. In this case, the steps to the next level call for completion of certain steps or puzzle. What is known with these games is that they become more difficult with the advancement of the levels from easy to very difficult. There exists many types of puzzles, for example, the popular Sudoku and the Angry Birds.  Most of the games in this category are either of common sense, language, and visual capability.
iii. Educational
Just like the puzzle, most educational games aims at the gamer to achieve a given goal. These games are designed for the younger or the school going children. The games offer an aid in advancing the educational skills such as reading and arithmetic.
iv. Sports
The biggest population of the video gamer’s community are youths. Similarly, a bigger fraction of the youths are sports-oriented. Therefore, there are a lot of games that revolves around football and basketball.A good example of the most popular game in this category is the Madden games whereby the player takes full charge of controlling a certain team fully. With this type of game, complexity increase with the increase of the level.
v. Action Games
When it comes to hand-eye proper coordination, action games takes the lead. The gamer is expected to react very quickly to the progress. Speed and keenness is all needed so as to do the right things at the most appropriate time. The most popular action games include but not limited to fighter and shooter.
Therefore, there are lots of that one need to inquire about before conducting a purchase. However, you can still make your work easier by selecting one of the products that we have reviewed herein.
These are the the top 10 Bestselling Video Games in 2016 reviews, welcome and feel free to gather all the information you dim relevant to you.

10. The Walking Dead Game of the Year – Xbox 360

From top 1 just recently, The Walking Dead Game of the Year for Xbox is now at the top 10. This video game has five episodes of the season from one to five with special episode 400 days which is already available on disc. It’s the biggest zombie franchise the world has seen. More so, this Telltale’s Walking Dead is similar to Robert Kirkman’s award-winning comic book series. As one season, they already won 90 Game of the Year awards from all over the globe. This zombie game is accompanied by deeply emotional individual life stories and tells a phenomenal tale.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • You will feel that it was like a television show
  • Very great game story
  • Has a very dynamic game style
  • Very entertaining game
  • Requires a large hard drive space capacity
  • There are some lagging issues

9. Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Standard Edition – PlayStation 4

Call of Duty: Black Ops III for PlayStation 4 introduces a new era of black ops. The scene normally takes place in the dark with a new breed of black ops soldier and the lines are blurred between the humanity and the cutting edge military robotics that design the future combat. Besides, it is now leveled up to multiplayer allowing players to move fluidly through the environment. You can also fight the undead in an all new horror story with its own distinct storyline. Black Ops III is the most ambitious Call of Duty Zombies to date the playability to the engaging gameplay zombie’s fans. This new elite squad consists of men and women who have now enhanced their combat abilities to fight the zombies in a faster, smarter and stronger way.
10 Bestselling Video Games
  • The maps are good
  • Scorestreaks are the best they’ve been
  • Zombies mode has more customization options
  • Guns have more customization options than ever
  • Frame rate is smooth and the color is vibrant
  • Multiplayer mode is very fun and interesting
  • The gameplay could be slowed down sometime
  • More addictive to younger generations

8. FIFA 16 – Standard Edition – Xbox One

The package of this Fifa 16 includes the standard edition of this Fifa 16 purposely made for xBox. This video game supports single player, local multiplayer and even online multiplayer. It has interception intelligence which can be adjusted with the use of custom tactics for you to control your aggressive teammates. It features a no touch dribbling wherein it gives players the freedom to decide not just how but also when to touch the ball. And for the first time ever in EA Sports FIFA, it competes with 12-ranked Women’s National Team. Fantastic, isn’t it? Surely, it will deliver a balanced, fantastic, authentic and very exciting football experience.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • Changes and updates are easy to adapt
  • Any goalkeeper with a fantastic rating of 80+ is incredibly strong
  • Has new passing mechanics which mostly loved
  • Changes made the game more realistic
  • Multi-passes now possible
  • Defending is harder than ever
  • The game itself is buggy
  • This game is very frustrating to play

7. Batman: Arkham Knight – PlayStation 4

This Batman Arkham Knight has an exclusive Scarecrow Nightmare pack and this is official for PlayStation 4. It has trapped Gotham City transforming it to a hellish nightmare. And Batman, this time, faces the ultimate threat against the city which he has sworn to protect at all times. This Scarecrow returns to unleash and unite all the villains of Gotham City including Penguin, Harley Quinn, and Two-Face to destroy the Dark Knight. This Batman: Arkham Knight also introduces a uniquely designed version of Batmobile vehicle which offers the game a complete Batman experience.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • The combat feels refined
  • Lot of fun gliding around and tactically taking down baddies
  • The origin was very solid
  • Rocksteady’s unique batmobile very impressive
  • Basic combat gadgetry usage are still intact in the game


  • Lack of uniquely defined boss battles

6. Limbo – PS4 [Digital Code]

Limbo for PlayStation 4 is one of the better 2D games ever displayed. There are puzzles from the start to finish and an extremely fine line between hard and confusing game. Limbo pulled off a magic trick through giving the gamer a very challenging experience while playing it. This game is broken down into several chapters, and each puzzle is representing a new chapter. Compared to other games with puzzles, Limbo does a lot more. The main character is a brave child and can’t be older than 6 or 7 years old but is able to handle his treacherous environment.
10 Bestselling Video Games

10 Bestselling Video Games


  • Crafting and brain teasing challenge in one
  • Fun and entertaining
  • No cut scenes


  • There’s some problem with the game code and license

5. Bloodborne

Bloodborne for PlayStation 4 from a Japanese developer from Software has entered a terrifying new world journey to a horror-filled gothic city. It is now equipped with a new strategic action combat, armed with a unique weaponry such as guns and saw cleavers. More so, it has a new generation of action RPG with stunningly gothic environments, atmospheric lighting, and advanced new online experiences. Together with these features are the holy chalice dungeons to explore which is filled with traps, beasts, and rewards to conquer. Where these dungeons offer brand new challenges to master, upload and shared with friends.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • Has an awesome AI
  • It has impressive graphics
  • Fluid motion and very fast when compared to soul games
  • With intriguing weapons and new combat tactics


  • Frame rates occasionally drops
  • Slow and frequent loading times

4. Trine 2: Complete Story – PS4 [Digital Code]

This Trine 2 is an award-winning side-scrolling game of action. This game is comprised of 20 levels chock-full adventure of hazards, physics-based puzzles with dangerous enemies and curious contraption. There are three heroes in the story of this game; Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight and Zoya the Thief- each of them has their own skills and special power and charming personalities to conquest the flow of the game. This Trine 2 is available online for up to multiplayer of three. The whole game has an amazing graphics at full HD 1080p with a smooth frame rate of 60 per second.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • It has great presentation, voice acting, music and sound effects
  • Game colors are incredible just like the Avatar
  • With cool integration of dual shock 2 touchpad
  • Perfect balanced combination of action and puzzles\Locations are beautiful


  • There are difficult times to get all the extra balls

3. Brothers – PlayStation 4

Experience a co-op play in a single player mode with these Brothers for PlayStation 4. This is an epic fairy tale journey of two brothers that you will never forget. From the visionary Swedish film director Josef Fares and top-tier developer Starbreeze Studios. The story starts with a man clinging to live and his two sons are very desperate to cure their ailing are left with one option. They must set out a journey to find and bring back the “Water of Life” as they are relying on one another just to survive every hardship in their journey. This game is a winner of multiple Games of the Year awards including DICE Award 2014 for Downloadable Game of the Year and BAFTA Award for Game Innovation 2014.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • One of the most beautiful and emotional games
  • The puzzles are doable along with the wonderful sound and atmosphere
  • The ending is unforgettable
  • Visuals are stunning
  • Story is top notch


  • The controls are hard to manage
  • Must not play with the presence of children

2. Forza Motorsport 6 – Xbox One

Forza Motorsport 6 for Xbox One is a game with a breathtaking graphics at 1080p resolution and 60 per seconds frame rate. In this game you will collect over 450 Forzvista cars, all featuring cockpits, damage, and customization. This could deliver real human behavior with the Drivatar technology and Xbox Live Cloud. It has a 2-player split-screen racing, 24 player races, and realistic Drivatar opponents. You can tour to 26-world famous locales, including newly captured tracks and experience the immersion of racing in the rain as working wipers barely clear the spray and tires hydroplane.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • High-quality game
  • Zero clutter
  • The rain dynamic adds to the races
  • No more micro-transactions
  • You can finally tune your car before it races again


  • The beginning feels a lot like demo
  • Engine swaps didn’t get improved

1. Fallout 4 – Xbox One

Fallout 4 for Xbox One falls on the top 1 in Best Selling Video Games 2017 list. This is the next generation of open-world gaming developed by Bethesda Game Studios which is an award-winning creator of Fallout 3 and Skyrim under the direction of Todd Howard. It followed the release of Fallout 3. This game is a winner of over 50 Games of the Year Awards, including Top Honors at the 2016 DICE Awards.  The story of the game is about the sole survivor of Vault 111 where you entered a world destroyed by nuclear war.
10 Bestselling Video Games


  • The graphics are great
  • No bugs are present
  • Settings are immersive and gorgeous


  • Lack of RPG elements

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