One of the most bizarre beauty procedure I’ve recently come across is tattooing the lips pink, which is apparently very popular in Nigeria. The main reason for this practice seems to be that women find men with pink lips more attractive.
The other day, someone emailed me a link to a video of a Nigerian guy getting his lower lip tattooed pink, in what looks like a very unhygienic tattoo parlor. To be honest, I thought it was just an isolated case, a guy who just wanted to be different, like the girl who tatooed Drake's name on her forehead. But it got me intrigued, and after doing some research online, it seems this really is a trend among Nigerian men. According to, who documented the procedure in the short video, young men pay around 7,000 Nigerian Naira ($45) to have their black lips cleaned of excess skin and tattooed with a pink paint to make them lighter. Although the guy in the video didn’t show any signs of pain, having a sensitive spot like the lips tattooed can’t be very pleasant.
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