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19 places you’ll never, ever be allowed to see (19 Photos)

When I was a kid, my mom told me I could be anything I wanted and, once appropriately aged, I could go anywhere I wanted to. Well… it turns out she kind of fibbed a little bit. There are plenty of places that I can never go to. My mom never told me about these places hidden all over the world, and I’m a little disappointed. 

These locations, are so secretive, so full of things that no one wants us to see, that there’s no way we’ll ever get a chance to sneak inside to see the true secrets of the universe. Makes me want to get in there even more, you know? 

The Coca-Cola Vault
Coke was pretty unique when it was first invented 120 years ago, and the recipe was safeguarded and locked away in an Atlanta vault. The facility gives tours, but it doesn’t take you inside the vault. 
Makes we want to crack a cold one, then crack the safe. Know anyone? 


Disney’s Club 33
This is probably one of the most exclusive clubs in the world, and it’s at the happiest place on earth. Located in New Orleans Square at Disneyland, it’s a full service bar. It’s believed that it opened to accommodate the 33 corporate sponsors of Disneyland in the 60’s, and it costs an initiation fee of $40K. 

The door is hidden and accessed by a secret buzzer or keycard. Once inside, you’ve got two levels of booze and memorabilia. 

Vatican Secret Archives
Vatican City
Hidden underneath Vatican City is an archive that holds all the state papers, papal account books and all documents that pertain to the history of the church. While they use the word ‘secret,’ it’s more of a private library, rather than a hidden one. Still though, there’s no way a regular person could enter the premises. You need to apply for entry and only a few people, from accredited institutes are allowed in. 

The thing is, I call shenanigans on the lack of secrets. There’s over 53 miles of shelving, with 35,000 volumes. You can’t tell me that hidden in there somewhere aren’t the mysteries of the universe, and the dark secrets of the church? We’ve all seen Angels and Demons. 


The Chapel of the Ark of the Covenant
No one knows for sure, but the priests and locals around the area claim that this church, officially called the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, is the final resting place of the Ark. It’s kept under tight watch, and don’t be fooled by the simple fence; this place is guarded. 

But is it really there? They claim that there is a wooden chest clad with gold containing two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments on them. In 2009 the Patriarch announced that he was going to announced the unveiling of the Ark to the world. Then he changed his mind, and now we’ll never know. 


Area 51
This is probably the most famous military installation in history. Cloaked in a veil of secrecy, and the subject of books, movies and conspiracy theories, no one really knows what the deal really is there. The official story is that missiles, aircraft and other weapons have been developed there, including the Lockheed U-2 aircraft in the 50’s, and that’s it. 

Except there’s a lot of eyewitnesses that claim mysterious lights, midnight kidnappings, alien autopsies, and tons of other spooky shit that go on at the base and around it. 


Room 39
North Korea
While it sounds like a horror film about a secret room, it’s not a room at all. It’s a secret organization in North Korea. Established by Kim Il-Sung in the late 70’s, this organization is in possession of over a dozen bank accounts in China and Switzerland and rakes in $500 million and $1 Billion for illegal and secret activity funding. 


I’m sure there’s plenty of places in Russia that are off limits, this might the most secretive and restricted place. This is Russia’s nuclear missile site, that contains the nation’s ballistic missiles, according to some reports. The village is there as a cover, and it’s technically closed to outsiders. Who knows what’s lurking under the surface in this area in the Ural Mountains. 


Moscow Metro-2
At this moment, the Russian government can neither confirm nor deny the existence of another metro system. It was supposedly constructed during Joseph Stalin’s time, and it parallels the existing rail system. Allegedly code-named D6 by the KGB, it was supposed to connect the Kremlin to the FSB/KGB headquarters, the government airport and a secret underground town at Ramenki. It was rumoured to be run by the Ministry of Defense and the Main Directorate of Special Programs. 

In 1994, after urban explorers proclaimed to have found the entrance to the secret metro line, a former Soviet advisor admitted to the facility’s existence. But the location and truth behind the line are still a closely guarded secret. 


RAF Menwith Hill
This is kind of like the British equivalent to Area 51 – a secret base in North Yorkshire. It contains intelligence and communications data for the UK and for the US. It opened in 1954 and part of it is leased to the US, where they used to run radio monitoring on the Soviet Union. Now it’s rumoured to be the launch base of the US drone program in the UK and Middle East. 


White’s Gentleman’s Club
Oh, the British and their exclusive clubs. This is one of the most famous and historic gentleman’s clubs in the UK. Established in 1693, it only accepts male members who are personally invited by a current member, then approved by two other members. 

It’s got all the usual club things – smoking room, billiards hall, and a full service kitchen. Alas, we’ll never get invited in, unless you know Prince Harry. He’s a regular. 


Dulce Base
New Mexico
There are some out there that will argue that Area 51 is too popular and well known for alien experiments, so they US Government moved all that stuff to a new place. That new place is the Dulce Base underneath the Archuleta Mesa in New Mexico. It’s apparently a joint human and alien underground facility, where hybridization experiments are going on. The rumours started back in 1979, when a local man started intercepting communications from an alien spacecraft. 

In reality, it’s a Cold War bunker, and those transmissions were probably coded, secret stuff. Or maybe the whole ‘Cold War’ thing was a cover for aliens. Who knows? 


Pine Gap
This secret facility in the middle of the Australian outback is a large computer complex with nearly 1,000 employees. It was built to locate radio signals in the Eastern Hemisphere and that info was fed into the US Drone program. Yep, it’s another secret US base on another continent. 

It started in 1970, with 400 American families being relocated to Central Australia. In 1999 it was expanded from two antennas to eighteen. It was also the subject of one of Edward Snowden’s infamous leaks. 


Jiangsu National Security Education Museum
If you love museums, this is going to be the one museum you’re gonna really want to see, but won’t ever get the chance. It’s only open to Chinese citizens, and it contains classified documents and tech used for Chinese spying. There’s no photography allowed inside, and it contains the entire spy history of the country, going back to 1927. 
Definitely don’t want to be caught sneaking around in here. 


Google Data Center
This is probably the Holy Grail of locations. Everything that Google’s ever collected is contained in rooms filled with CPUs, with trillions of bits of data. With all the Google searches going on in the world, all of these data centres are massive structures that are highly guarded and classified. The general public isn’t allowed inside, and only highly cleared IT specialists are allowed inside, and even then, they’re closely monitored. 


The Bank Of England Vaults
The Bank of England’s vaults contain a lot of gold bullion. It’s the second oldest central bank in the world and it’s completely off limits to the public. The vault door takes keys that are three feet long and the value of the gold deposits in the vault is estimated at 156 Billion pounds, making it one of the largest gold reserves in the world. 
That’s a lot of gold bricks. I’d use them to build a kick-ass fort. 


Lascaux Caves
These caves contain paintings from the Palaeolithic Era, that’s over 17,500 years old. There are depictions of animals, humans and conceptual signs and give us a glimpse of how early humans perceived themselves and the world around them. 

Once upon a time, these caves were open to the public from WWII until the 60’s, when uncleanliness, litter and mold became issues. It was then closed to the public to preserve the cave art. 


Bohemian Grove
I’ve never heard of this place, so I guess that shows how exclusive it is. Located on 3,000 acres in Monte Rio, California, the Bohemian Grove is a secret club/society that hosts a two week session with some the most prominent men in the world. 

Previous members of the group include Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon, Jack London as well as other notable figures. Membership is limited and once you’re in, and vetted, you’re in for life. 

As for what they do up there, who knows? Secret Illuminati stuff, maybe.


Credits: HT Imgur

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