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Trump calls out 'Cryin' Chuck Schumer' after firing FBI Director James Comey

Hours after US President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, over his loss of confidence over the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal, he took shots at Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (Democrat) on Tuesday night. He tweeted:

"Cryin' Chuck Schumer stated recently, 'I do not have confidence in him (James Comey) any longer." Then acts so indignant. #draintheswamp,"
He made this tweet in reference to Chuck Schumer" crying in the days following Trump's executive order on immigration and refugees, as lawmakers almost universally slammed the president's directive to ban travel to the US from a handful of majority-Muslim nations.
Schumer shed tears during a press conference on the matter.
Schumer during the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's email scandal, also said he doesn't have confidence in James Comey's abilities to conduct a fair investigation.

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