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Check out some of the hottest wives and partners of the WWE stars

These are some of WWE's hottest wives and girlfriends

1. Brie Bella – Married to Daniel Bryan
Daniel BryanplayDaniel Bryan (
Brianna Monique Danielson (Garcia-Colace), better known as Brie Bella, is WWE Diva and twin sister of Nikki Bella.
Image result for Brianna Monique Danielson (Garcia-Colace)Image result for Brianna Monique Danielson (Garcia-Colace)
Brie is a former WWE Divas Champion and current cast member of the E! networks Total Divas. Her relationship with WWE top level talent Daniel Bryan, aka Bryan Danielson, has been a focal point of the series. Both their engagement and wedding were featured on the show.
2. Nikki Bella – Engaged to John Cena
Nikki BellaplayNikki Bella (Instagram/Nikki Bella)

Bella has been dating Cena since the wrestler split from his former wife,  Elizabeth Huberdeau.
John CenaplayJohn Cena (Forbes)

Nikki Bella, also known as Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Colace, is a WWE Diva and cast member of the E! network’s reality series, Total Divas. She is the twin sister of WWE Diva Brie Bella.
3. Catalina Hager – Married To Jack Swagger
 playCatalina Hager (Catalina Hager)

Hager married Swagger in December 2010 and the couple had their first child, son Knox Sterling, on October 17, 2011. On May 18, 2015, the couple had their second child, daughter Presley Pearl.
 Jack SwaggerplayJack Swagger (Fan Pop)

This stunning beauty is a model who has appeared in magazines such as FHM and Maxim. She also had a short stint as a wrestler, where she competed as Saylor James.
4. A.J Lee – Married to C.M Punk
A.J LeeplayA.J Lee

Lee and Brooks married in April 2014.
C.M PunkplayC.M Punk (Sun)

A.J Lee is the current WWE Divas champion for the third time. Her first run with the belt even lasted a record 295 days.
5. Jennifer Hudson-married to David Otunga
Jennifer HudsonplayJennifer Hudson (Getty Images)

Wrestler Otunga proposed to Jennifer on the singer's 27th birthday just after meeting some months prior. They are now married and have two sons.
Image result for david otunga jennifer hudsonImage result for david otunga jennifer hudson
Jennifer rose  to fame after appearing on the third season of American Idol. She had her big breakthrough with her Grammy winning debut album, Jennifer Hudson.
6. Eden-Married to Stardust
playImage result for Eden-Married to StardustBrandi Runnels (Tumblr)

Eden married Runnels  in September 2013.

Eden, also known as Brandi Runnels, is a WWE ring announcer and personality. Before wrestling, she worked in journalism and was a model for Maxim.
7. Michelle McCool -Married to The Undertaker
 Image result for Michelle McCool -Married to The Undertaker
Image result for Michelle McCool and  Undertaker and kids
McCool and The Undertaker married in June 2010 after two failed marriages of the former WWE champion.They welcomed their first child  Kaia Faith Calaway on August 29, 2012.
The Undertakerplay
The Undertaker

Michelle McCool was originally a teacher before she broke into the wrestling business. She grew up a huge wrestling fan and was even a contestant in the WWE Diva Search in 2004, but ultimately lost to Christy Hemme.
8. Stephanie McMahon – Married to Triple H
Stephanie Marie McMahon-HelmsleyplayStephanie Marie McMahon-Helmsley (Chris Photography)
Stephanie McMahon and Triple H began dating in 2000 and got married on October 25, 2003.
 Triple HplayTriple H (Comic Vine)

The couple have three daughters.
Stephanie wrestles occasionally and is a former WWE Women’s Champion.
9. Natalya – Married To Tyson Kidd
NatalyaplayNatalya (Wrestling Media)

Natalya and Tyson Kidd married in 2013 but they have been dating and living together since November 2001
Their relationship and wedding were featured on WWE's reality television series Total Divas.
Tyson KiddplayTyson Kidd (

Natalie Neidhart, better known as Natalya, is the first ever third generation female wrestler. She is a member of one of the most famous wrestling families in the world, The Hart family.
10. Naomi – Married to Jimmy Uso
Image result for naomi uso
playNami and Jimmy Uso have been married since 2014 (Tumlr)

"Jimmy" Jonathan Fatu and fellow wrestler and longtime girlfriend Trinity McCray (a.k.a. Naomi) have been married for three years. They have two kids.
Jimmy UsoplayJimmy Uso (KWSN)
 Image result for naomi wwe
Naomi is a WWE Diva, singer and a dancer. She started started as a backup dancer for rapper Flo Rida, and was a cheerleader for the Orlando Magic before getting into wrestling.

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