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U-Turn On Abuja Helicopter Ban Shows Government Is Good At This One Thing

Barely 2 days after issuing a ban on helicopter activities in Abuja over ‘security concerns’, the National Security Adviser, Major General Babagana Monguno has reversed himself on the matter and now approved the flying of helicopters into and out of Abuja.

In an earlier article, we discussed how the sudden decision to ban helicopters in itself was inimical to the nation’s economic growth. As such, the reversal is therefore timely and much needed, if not too late.
The reversal, however, only serves to confirm what this government is notoriously known for, Policy Ejaculation. The government has had several times issued policies that are poorly thought out they fall flat when pit again common sense reasoning.
What happened to the ‘security concerns’ Monguno earlier alluded to? Did they miraculously disappear over 48 hours? And if it was due to some action on the NSA’s part that these concerns have been overcome, why were those actions not taken initially instead of giving an order of such magnitude? And as the NSA, is his job not to advise the President on security matters and allow final decisions to be taken by the Presidency? Rather, according to the Minister of Aviation, Hadi Sirika, Monguno “…within his wisdom…earlier issued out letters banning helicopter operation in the airport”
What does all that say about law, order and protocol in the country. Who does what and who is responsible for final decisions. The lines are getting blurrier by the day and the implications heavier by the second.
For example, we only need to put ourselves in the shoes of investors who Nigeria is wooing in. We are asking them to risk millions, if not billions, of dollars on investments in a country where policy formulation has no clear direction, where anyone wakes up and without sufficient reason, spews out another directive, regardless of its effect on investments.
Its high time the lights go off and the circus is shut. The FG needs a clear direction to everything it does and everyone within the administration needs to understand and align with that direction. Until then, we will remain jokers to the rest of the world.

Credits: Chacha Wabara

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