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Seaport truckers begin new freight rates April 1

From April 1, 2017, importers are to pay the revised haulage rate ap­proved yesterday by the Joint Council of Seaport Truck Op­erators (JCOST) for the Lagos seaports.

Depending on the destina­tion, the new rates within La­gos State range from N80,000 to N150,000 for general cargo, N60,000 to N140,000 for 1x20, N100,000 to N170,000 for 2x20, and N80,000 to N140,000 for 1x40, while for upcountry, the rate varies according to distance.
More so, the general body adopted a 50 per cent demur­rage of containers payable to the truck operators, who are also to earn “25 per cent of the initial payment for return of empty containers to stem assaults in the business,” while the trucker is free to refuse to return such empty container of the fee is not paid.

According to the body, com­pliance shall be enforced by a central taskforce at JCOST lev­el and local taskforce at the unit level at the point of operation/loading, while truckers would have to present a certificate of compliance or be liable to a fine, which is still being fine-tuned.

Parties to the resolution in­clude the Road Transport Em­ployers Association of Nige­ria (RTEAN), Association of Maritime Truck Owners (AM­ATO), Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners (NAR­TO), Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria/Truck Drivers Unit (MWUN/TDU), and Truck Terminal Users Association of Nigeria (TTUA) – all represent­ed by their heads.

Justifying the rates review at the general session of the body in Lagos Thursday, JCOST Chairman, Mr. Kayode Odun­owo, lamented the nation’s pres­ent economic realities and relat­ed cost of doing business in the industry. According to him, the council arrived at the new tem­plate after exhaustive investi­gations, research and delibera­tions.

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