I found these tips from Jack Ma very helpful. You all know who Jack Ma is, don't you? He is the multibillionaire founder of e-commerce Giant, Alibaba! You can read about him in my post tomorrow. I translated the tips from Chinese some time ago, but they feel just as relevant today. I hope you’ll also find them helpful.
- Lists your three most important things every day
- Arrive to the office ten minutes earlier than others
- Think for a few seconds before speaking
- Count to 30 before throwing a tantrum
- When in doubt, pick the hardest thing to do
- Give everything a deadline
- Always sit in the front row
- Observe people walking in front of you
- Leave the office ten minutes later than others
- Remember the names of everyone around you
- Do everything enthusiastically, even sweeping the floor
- Praise others behind their backs
- Pay attention to everyone around you
- Let others finish speaking
- Deliver a little more than they expect
- Praise people before criticizing them
- Always carry a pen and paper
- Note down your dreams within five minutes of waking up
- List your ten weaknesses, and correct them one by one
- When it comes to important decisions, sleep on them
- Ask yourself questions five minutes before sleeping
- Keep smiling every day
- Never bring work home
- Eat breakfast with your family
- Meet new friends through old friends
- Spend half an hour a day reading books
- Have four short-term goals, and one main goal
- Never let making money be your main goal in life
- Read your goals aloud ten times a day
- Take immediate action!
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