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Billionaire David Einhorn Separating From Wife Of 24 Years

Billionaire David Einhorn and his wife of 24 years are separating and are filing for divorce. They married in 1993, well before he made his fortune, an estimated $1.55 billion. In 2002, the couple created the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust. Their 10,000-foot square home in Rye, New York is to be part of the divorce filings.
David is also rumored to have a vault of gold hidden somewhere in New York City used by his fund, Greenlight Capital, as a hedge against inflation. As of this year, Greenlight Capital has $9.27 billion in assets. David serves on the Michael J Fox Foundation, City Year, and on the Robin Hood Foundation's board of directors. In 2006, he finished 18th in the World Series of Poker and donated his winnings of over $650,000. In 2012, he donated his 3rd place World Series of Poker tournament winnings (over $4 million) to City Year.
Cheryl is credited with naming the fund when it launched in 1996 with $900,000. Cheryl is a media consultant and award-winning financial reporter. She has taught courses at Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and Columbia Business. The couple has three children.

The Einhorns are the latest in a series of prominent hedge fund couples to separate. Billionaire investor Bill Ackman and Karen Ann Herskovitz split after a 25-year marriage in December, while Citadel billionaire Ken Griffin settled a major divorce trial in 2015. What is going on with marriages? Especially marriages where the couples are successful?

Credits: Daniel Lipson

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