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33 Things You’re Doing That Is Making Your Life Harder

Life can be a tough deal. But it can be even tougher when you're actively sabotaging yourself -- which, let's be real, you're probably doing whether you realize it or not.
So it's time to get it together already.

33. Entry by LilySprite

32.  Entry by PedroH

31.  Entry by Busteq

30.  Entry by Yaznest

29.  Entry by LilySprite

28.  Entry by kidavalon

27.  Entry by jaoafallas

26.  Entry by Chan Teik Onn

25.  Entry by MistakeNot

24.  Entry by jaoafallas

23.  Entry by Guidodo

22.  Entry by Scott Laffey

21.  Entry by Andrea Meno

20.  Entry by LilySprite

19.  Entry by Chan Teik Onn

18.  Entry by LilySprite

17.  Entry by Lolly

16.  Entry by Guidodo

15.  Entry by Alex Buchanan

14.  Entry by LilySprite

13.  Entry by Chan Teik Onn

12.  Entry by LilySprite

11.  Entry by sonoftime

10.  Entry by LilySprite

9.  Entry by Andrea Meno

8.  Entry by triwizard19

7.  Entry by Guidodo

6.   Entry by exbelle

5.  Entry by Busteq

4.  Entry by jaoafallas

3.  Entry by Busteq

2  Entry by LilySprite

1.  And the winner is ...

by Alex Buchanan

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