Do you or someone you know have doubts that God exists?
Are you skeptical that there is a Supreme Being who created our planet, and our universe?
I know it can be tough to believe in God sometimes.
I used to believe in God when I was a kid.
I prayed to God that He would fix those bad things that happened ASAP.
And when I felt that God didn’t respond, I ended up believing that everything I was taught about God was wrong.
I ended up thinking He was just a figment of people’s imagination.
So I became an atheist for eight years.
If You Don’t Settle the God Question Quickly, Then Your Problem Gets Worse
If you’re searching for purpose, meaning, and whether there is an afterlife, then answering the God question is crucial.
That’s why I always encourage skeptics who visit my blog to spend as much time as they can to search for their own evidence about the divine.
But Wait, Don’t Mistake Evidence for Proof
As you’re reading this blog post, I want you to be aware that there is no proof that God exists. However, there is plenty of evidence.
Many of the skeptics that I speak with want proof that God exists, like as in a scientific experiment that can produce results.
However, the problem is that science can only measure things in the natural realm; things that science can observe.
In fact, God (the Christian God, or God the Father) exists outside of our universe.
So that’s why using science to measure God is like using a thermometer to measure the wind.
It’s just not the right tool for the job.
While there isn’t any proof that God exists, there is plenty of evidence.
And there is even plenty of scientific evidence and philosophical evidence as well.
What’s the Difference Between Evidence and Proof of God’s Existence?
Think of it like being a juror in a trial (if you live in the US).
When you’re part of a jury, you are presented with evidence from both the plaintiff and the defendant.
It’s up to you which side you believe…
You’ll end up making a decision based on the evidence that’s presented to you by both sides.
Does that make sense?
The Man Interviewed in this Video is an Expert With Decades of Experience
Below is a video interview with Doctor William Lane Craig.
If you’re not familiar with Dr. Craig, he is a renowned author, speaker, and professor.
Here are Dr. Craig’s credentials as he is one of the authorities in the intersections of philosophy, science, and theology.
- Master’s Degree From Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
- Ph.D. From the Univerisity of Birmingham England
- Doctorate of Theology from the University of Munich in Germany
- Currently Professor at Talbot
You can learn more about Dr. Craig by visiting his about page on his website.
He is well known for debating atheists, Muslims, and people from other religious beliefs.
YouTube is flooded with Dr. Craig’s videos if you’re interested in this subject.
Here Are Some of the Extraordinary Things You’re Going to Learn in This Video
- One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to viewing the Big Bang theory and how you can correct it
- How some people try to mislead you by trying to re-define what a quantum vacuum is which can keep you from believing in God
- How some physicists are trying to convince you that it’s possible for a universe to create itself from nothing but in reality, that is just a big fat lie
- What is the ballon-button illustration that explains how matter, space, and time came into existence so you can simply understand all the facts
- And many more fascinating facts about why a transcendent cause is the best explanation for the origin of the universe
For part 2 of Dr. Craig’s video about how God can be personally known and experienced, click here.
Culled Post
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