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Here are some unethical life hacks you may have fallen victim to.

Here are some life hacks i found on quora that were really just...unethical. You may have been fooled by some before. But be warned: These hacks are uniformly unethical. Some veer into fraud. They should be regarded as informational and for entertainment purposes rather than as actual suggestions. You shouldn't do them. If you do them, you need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
  • If you want to lie, make it shameful. People will believe you. "I was late to the meeting because I pooped in my pants.”
  • Wear a yellow reflective vest, a hard hat, and carry a clipboard. Now you can go pretty much anywhere, without question!
  • If you don’t like making tea, but someone still wants you to make it, get it slightly wrong for everyone. They’ll never request it from you again.
  • Preparations: Using the inspect-element tool in Chrome, go to Amazon and edit the prices for a product you like. Go to a store that has that product (preferably a big-box store on Black Friday) and choose the laziest checkout line. Then, “price-match.”
  • Buy an appliance that's identical to the one you broke, swap them out, and then return the broken appliance for a refund.

  • Most of these garages will have a grace period so that if you pull in but you didn’t really ‘park,’ you can leave and pay nothing. Next time you park in one of these garages, grab a ticket like normal and go park. When you’re ready to leave, pull your car close to the entrance, and go push the button to get a fresh entrance ticket, time stamped to that moment (when you’re ready to leave). Then, just go to the exit and put your brand new ticket in the machine or hand it to the person. If you’re within the grace period, you will be charged nothing and you can leave.
    Even if you’re a few minutes over, you’re paying for minutes rather than hours or days.
  • Lying about your kid's age at an amusement park or buffet will get you a cheaper price.

  • Get a free drink at starbucks - Have your friend order a drink at Starbucks and pick up their drink and leave. After a few minutes, have the friend walk to the counter and say they never got their drink so they make another one.
  • Eat for free at a major hotel’s free continental breakfast — When I was running low on food, I would eat the free breakfast at the hotel two minutes from my apartment. I’d take the elevator up to the first floor, then come down so I could exit the elevator and walk straight into breakfast.

  • Get free meals at Chipotle by using a debit card without enough money on it - According to a manager, Chipotle will let you go with free food if your card doesn't authorize, because speed/efficiency is crucial to their bottom line.

  • Buy a movie ticket, but plan out the theater's schedule so you can see multiple movies throughout the day, back-to-back.

  • For extra carry-ons at no charge, go the airport gift shop and ask for a gift bag, and stuff your stuff into it. Because it looks like you purchased it at the airport, the flight will (allegedly) let you bring it on free, even if it's over your carry-on limit.
  • Read online subscription news for free by deleting the cookies in your web browser - If the site has a limit to the number of articles you can read before requiring a subscription, just delete the cookies in your web browser after you reached your limit. Your count will be restarted.
  • Use your college/student ID for discounts ever after you’ve graduated.

  • The best public bathrooms in a city are in the expensive hotels.

  • This one isn't so much unethical as it is controversial. - Instead of buying a ticket for A:B, find a cheaper one for A:B:C and get off at B. Savings can be 30-50%. Airlines really hate this, but there's not much they can do about it.
  • Take a big pack of toothpaste and hide a toothbrush inside it. You will officially be charged for toothpaste pack and the toothbrush is free.

  • Go to a dental/medical lobby and take pictures of the account info/address/barcode printed on the magazines. Allegedly, this is all that's required to access the digital versions online.
  • Struggling to write a CV, or can’t get a particular job? Post fake job offerings on recruitment websites for that position you’re interested in and watch the CVs/resumes pour in, which you can then copy for your own advantage.
  • If you find something that you want on Craigslist, make a similar posting on Craigslist for the same item for cheaper, this will keep others from buying what you want and will cause the actual seller to drop their price lower when you negotiate.
  • If you swear on automated voice systems, it can get you a human. I work in a pharmacy and I deal with automated insurance prompts all day. One night the prompt was having a particularly hard time understand my answer of “No.” I finally said “Is this b*tch f*cking for real?” in an aggressive tone and was almost instantly connected to a human operator.
  • Want free lunch or even to make a few extra dollars and look like the office hero?
    When flyers for various restaurants come out they often have buy 1 get 1 free coupons in them.
    Tell everyone in the workplace you are going to go to [insert restaurant name here] to pick up lunch. Take orders and money for said orders. Use 2 for 1 coupons.
    Pocket the difference.
  • When we were teens we used to go to the movies on busy nights in large groups.
    Two people would buy tickets, enter the theatre. One person would head back outside with the two stubs and bring a third person in.
    Third person would exit with both stubs and bring a fourth person in. We sometimes repeated this until we had over a dozen people in the theatre for the price of two tickets. The ushers never saw the same face more than twice.
  • When you go to a concert, buy the cheapest ticket possible, then, right before concert starts, go to their website and check which of their most expensite sits are not yet sold. Sit there. Profit!
  • Google Chrome's dinosaur error page is also a game. when next your internet is not working, simply press your spacebar and voila, game on.
  • Applying for jobs and don't have good reference? Your mother and her maiden name make a great reference.
  • If you get pulled over by a cop while driving, act deaf. Usually the cop would let you go with a warning  because its too much trouble trying to communicate.
  • Car in long term parking? Simply walk up to the ticket machine and get yourself a new one on your way out.
  • Always google TV shows using the sXXeXX format. Example, season 3 episode 5 is s3e5. If it's on youtube, it'll be this way and if not, then you can use it to find the torrent quickly

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