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10 Photos That Prove Trudeau Is Canada's Real Rock Star

These images went viral with the caption, "Find someone who looks at you the way Ivanka Trump looks at Trudeau." If this isn't true love, I don't know what is.

The face you make when you are married to a prince—but you meet Justin Trudeau.

Even Emma Watson can't keep it together near the Canadian leader. 

Prince Harry and Justin are living a heated bromance—and the internet can't get enough.

There's no age limit for Trudeau's love. 

You don't get to see many pictures of Merkel smiling, but when she does, it's probably because she is looking at the Canadian Prime Minister.

And that's why that handshake lasted for so long.

You can't deny that Justin Trudeau has a hands-on approach to politics.

One reporter apparently timed Justin Trudeau's embrace with Kathleen Wynne at about five seconds.

Kashlee Taylor-Proulx, a 17-year-old from Kamloops, B.C., has a very particular person in mind to be her prom date: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. 

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