''Hello Stella, you have to help me. My father and my mum are having problem because of one actress. Her name is Ani. They call her Ani effixzzy boss. I had to go to her page on Instagram to search for her.
The first time my dad saw her was in a movie where she was dancing one seductive dance for Mike Godson last week. Mercy Johnson is in the film too. And after the movie my dad said I should look for the name of the girl. I told him. Do you know my father is now on Instagram looking at this girls picture everyday. All this movies they act and start causing problem for people people in their homes. My mother is having serious issues with my dad because he has saved all her pictures on his phone from Instagram.
Please advice all this actress to stop dancing and dressing seductive in movies. They are breaking homes. This is why I don't watch movies. My home is in war everyday because he is always on Instagram. I don't know who opened Instagram for him. The war in my home is becoming serious I have to come out and talk. I am the only child. I love my mother so much. We live in Jos and my parents are teachers. Help me tell Ani to leave Instagram''.
Culled from SDK Blog
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