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Democrats share their reasons for skipping Trump inauguration on Twitter

Donald Trump's inauguration may be sparsely attended. Not only has the president-elect struggled to find a single (genuine) celebrity to perform, but a growing number of Democratic congresspeople are declaring they will not show up at his swearing in on Jan. 20.

Following Trump's harsh words on Saturday about Representative John Lewis of Georgia, Democrats from across the country are taking the symbolic step of refusing to attend. 

The president-elect accused the civil rights icon of being "all talk and no action or results" after Lewis criticized Trump on NBC and said he would be skipping the inauguration.
Politico reported that as of Saturday afternoon, at least 16 House Democrats have publicly stated they will not go to the inauguration. There are 194 Democrats in the House, but the boycott movement appears to be growing as the politicians share on Twitter their passionate reasons for not attending.

Posting a picture of Lewis alongside Martin Luther King Jr., Mark Takano of California said he could not attend.
Image result for lewis with martin luther king junior
He was joined by Yvette Clarke of New York, Judy Chu of California, Nydia Velazquez of New York, Mark DeSaulnier of California and Ted Lieu of California, who all shared their decisions on social media. Lieu said in a statement that Trump has attacked "Gold Star parents, veterans such as John McCain and now civil rights icon John Lewis."

"For me, the personal decision not to attend Inauguration is quite simple: Do I stand with Donald Trump, or do I stand with John Lewis?  I am standing with John Lewis."

Other Democrats had already pulled out of the event, including Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, who shared a statement on Jan. 6 that raised concerns about the "anti-woman," "anti-immigrant" and "anti-Muslim" rhetoric of the Trump campaign for president.
"I do not feel that I can contribute to the normalization of the President-elect's divisive rhetoric by participating in the Inauguration," she said.

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